My Project

The greatest need for our brothers and sisters in and around the conflict in Ukraine is prayer on their behalf. The following contains informed updates from our friends on the field specifying ways to pray:

  1. For Ukraine. The situation changes day by day. The three Ukranian churches we support are still welcoming refugees. The pictures above show the living situation and meals provided by the church. The majority of the individuals are women are children. There are thousands (some estimate over one million) individuals fleeing to the border, waiting in long lines to enter Poland, Romania, and other surrounding countries. Pray for strength for those who have chosen, and are required, to stay. Pray for safety for those who are fleeing, that they would find a safe place to rest from the unrest in their homeland. The line at the border to leave Ukraine by car is several days wait long. There are a growing number of people fleeing by foot, who cannot enter a foreign country until legally processed, which also takes several days.
  2. For Poland. We have friends from Belarus who have made it to Poland and have found refuge in a church near Warsaw. The church is actively working on procuring long-term housing for up to 75 individuals. Pray the Lord would lead the pastors of the church with abundant wisdom when considering how to host those from Belarus and beyond. Many English and Russian speakers have worn themselves out making frequent trips to the border, attempting to recieve refugees into their homes and churches.
  3. For Romania. One brother in Romania wrote today, warning that some malicious groups are seeking to take advantage of the situation at hand, desiring personal financial gain. Pray the Lord would stop those who seek to do harm. The Romanian government is establishing an approved humanitarian list to determine who is genuinely offering support, and providing plenty of funds in aid to those who are willing to help those in need. Many of the pastors we support in Romania are offering their time, houses, churches, translation skills, and more to help the extreme influx of individuals entering Romania.
  4. For Belarus. Many of our friends in Belarus have fled since August of 2020 for fear of their own safety. A large number have now made a temporary home in Poland. Those who have stayed, including all of the pastors HeartCry supports, are speaking daily to one another with encouragement and support, discussing the ongoing turmoil around their country. It is unclear at this point what will happen in Belarus. The men fear a mandatory draft. Prices for many goods have increased more than 50%. Pray for the Lord to strengthen the pastors and leaders of this country to courageously do what is right and stand as times become increasingly difficult and complex.
  5. There are other generous friends of HeartCry in Sicily, Germany, and across Europe who are ready to receive refugees or offer support in any way possible. Ask the Lord to fill those needs, guiding all to safety, and many to salvation through the influence of these Christian witnesses in foreign lands.

Tragedies like this harbor initial spikes in interest that diminish over time. Please, if you are burdened by the continual conflict in Ukraine, commit yourself to prayer for these people, believing that God can do far more than we ask or think.

Stay tuned on our website and social media profiles for more updates to come.

Bible Study
Eastern Europe

Persuading Men

Persuading Men