Greetings to you in Christ our Lord. In the grace of God we are fine and hope that you all are fine in Him.

In the grace of God the weekly services are going well. The believers are growing in the Lord. This month I spent most of the days at hospital because my elder brother, Mr. Trith, got paralysis. It is painful to our family but even in the midst of these painful times we are acknowledging God’s greatness and His faithfulness. While we were in the hospital we have short fellowship and prayers. The nurses and other people in the room saw this. The nurses were wondering what we were doing. So that was my opportunity to tell about Christ and distributed the gospel tracts. Even the doctor knew that we were Christians. So he asked me why and how I became Christian. I told him that when I read the Bible I know that only Jesus is the Savior and we have forgiveness of our sin only in Him. I told him that Jesus is the doctor of doctors and in him we can get healed from our great disease that is our sin. He said that it is good to believe God and all people have their own ways and understanding about God. I told him that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life alone. He just smiled at me and didn’t reply anything. It is my thanks to God for giving me such a spirit to share the gospel. May God bless them to know Christ as their personal Savior.

In my previous reports I had mentioned about Prakash Pashi. Prakash is not coming to the church. So I went to visited him and counseled him. His wife told me that the village people are telling him not to follow Christ. But in God’s grace his wife and his daughter are continuing the fellowship. I am thankful to God for the life of Benday Chaudari. He is growing in the Lord and continuing in the fellowship. I am in touch with Tulsi Chaudari. He has not come at in the church fellowship but he is more interested in the gospel. May God bring him into His kingdom.

I would like to give thanks to God for recovering my brother’s health. Also, thanks to Him for His guidance to share His good news to those people in the darkness. I would also like to give thanks to HeartCry for your prayer and support in my life.

Please pray for my brother’s health and also to me. I am praying for you all. May God bless you!

Sincerely, Dal B.