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Giovanni works with Alfa and Omega publishing to produce theological resources in the Italian language. In addition to this, he serves as a deacon in his church in Sicily. Below, he writes a brief update about one way he is able to serve the community around him.

Dear Brethren, Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ from Caltanissetta. 

First of all, I want to thank God for giving me the privilege to serve Him. And I also want to thank all of you for your practical and spiritual support. Here is a brief update. 

We continue to assist the poor people both in the area of Comiso and in Caltanissetta. Every month we receive about 4,500 lbs of food from various sources in order to distribute it to about 160 families in need. A couple of weeks ago a brother from the church joined my wife and me to take part in the National Day of Food Collection. We were out of a  supermarket collecting several boxes of food from the people who went there for shopping. It is always good to help people in need and our Lord is an example also in this. He fed and healed not only those who had true faith in him but probably also some of those who later cried out “Crucify him!”. Of course, in doing this diaconal work, we aim mainly at reaching them with the gospel, although so far we have seen no spiritual fruit among them. Please pray that God may bless this effort with some spiritual fruits. Recently we had to buy a trailer to add to the minibus in order to carry all the food we receive. We rejoice with God at the abundance he has provided to our church in order to make this ministry possible.

In addition to this ministry, please continue to pray for us in the publishing work we have going. We have accumulated more than 160 published works, and continue to labor towards the completion of several more volumes.

Your brother in Christ,

Giovanni Marino