Lore At Ski Camp

Please pray for HeartCry missionary Lore Tk’s mother. She continues to battle stage four colon cancer that has now spread to her liver. At the moment, her mother is resting in a Hospice facility in Italy and is at peace with God. Although Lore is caring for her mom, she is anticipating a work of God in their best evangelistic outreach of the year, the Student Ski Camp, scheduled for February 18-22. Please pray that the Lord will make His Word effectual to the salvation of souls. In Lore’s monthly report she shares about recent opportunities:

We rejoiced this Christmas in the reunion of my whole family at my parents’ home near Bucharest. My mother is especially very excited! She continues to do different treatments in Italy.

We are thankful to the Lord that in spite of the Covid restrictions and online studies at most universities, this semester we had only in-person meetings. It is an amazing answer to prayer that we had so many things going on this semester and a new student community started taking shape. We have met every Tuesday night starting with a Freshmen event. We conducted Bible studies from the Gospel of John, had board game nights, a Christmas celebration, and a special evening for students who graduated during the pandemic. We also had a weekend retreat in the mountains for the purpose of fellowship, worship and prayer, Bible presentations, games and a beautiful hike. My husband had a great presentation of the Gospel from Romans 1:16-17, explaining every word in the passage, reminding the students that our purpose is sharing the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ among the students.

A freshmen, who is now in my discipleship group, shared about her encounter with the student ministry:

“The student ministry in Osceb was a wonderful experience because in this community I developed unexpected friendships. Being introverted, I had a difficult time reaching out to new people. I really liked that the students reached out to me and made me feel a part very quickly in their group. I am very glad I am also participated in a discipleship group that helped me get closer to God and His Word. I was delighted to attend the mountain retreat because I got to know the people better, through games, Bible studies, and the mountain hike. I am excited that I discovered Osceb in my first year of university.”

The Christmas celebration brought everyone a lot of joy. Together with lots of non-Christians, we sang carols, interacted with each other and listened to a talk about Simon who received baby Jesus in the Temple with lots of joy. The most impressive moment of the evening was to listen to the testimony of a freshman student who became a Christian a few months ago through the witness of a Christian colleague. She shared with us how God brought her to repentance, delivering her of sin that she couldn’t deliver herself from, and how she experienced full forgiveness and deliverance from guilt and shame. It was very encouraging to hear her sharing about how God transformed her into a new creation through regeneration. God completely changed her perspective of life. Her greatest desire now is to be pleasing to Christ and honor Him. It’s extraordinary to see how God still works in people and brings them to salvation in Christ.

My Bible studies are very encouraging, as always. I started two discipleship groups that I have enjoyed very much. One of the ladies started to read the Bible last year and goes to Church in spite of the discussions with her parents. She has many questions and it’s delightful to see her enthusiasm about the Bible. One of her first questions was, “how could she fight sin/” Another was, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” I started with Genesis explaining the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She also asked me to give her a commentary on the Old Testament because she read the first five books of the Bible and she needs more content. Although the other ladies have been exposed to the Bible, they have many questions. One of them asked if the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament. We went through major events in the Old Testament emphasizing the grace of God in each of them.

In December I studied a lot more about the incarnation of Christ. Two ladies from one of the evangelistic groups are very open, asking questions, and is very appreciative of studying the Bible together. One of them is new in the group and had questions like, “Isn’t the Bible corrupted?” And, “Why can we not stop sinning?” And, “What about other religions?” She also asked, “Why is Jesus the only way?” When I started answering them, the other lady, who has been in the Bible study much longer, started to answer the last question. It was so encouraging to see her explaining the Gospel so well! She said she also had many questions as she didn’t understand many things about God, Jesus or salvation. In time, I believe she will get answers for her questions. Her testimony touched my heart.