Providence Service

Ion and Ani Tomeci live in Brasov, Romania. Their devotion to Christ and one another has opened many doors for evangelism, counseling and discipleship. In this month’s report Ion pays tribute to his beloved wife:

Ani and I have a good relationship. We travel together through life and the Lord strengthens us. Ani helps me so much in the pastoral ministry. Many sisters from our church have needed to have personal discussions with us. Ani has helped them so much.


May God bless you! We are glad to send you news from God’s ministry in Brasov!

Thank you for your love and dedication to be alongside us in our work. These are difficult times, but everything happens through His will. May the Lord fill your hearts with the Lord’s presence, joy, and peace! May God bless you!

I would like to share with you about the baptism that we had at the end of July. Five people (Three from Zizin, where we have started a ministry) were baptized and they are part of the church now where they attend the church gladly. The evangelistic ministry, in the meantime, continues to go on in this village.

Naoki also was baptized on this occasion. He wanted to get baptized before he went back to Japan, where he is supposed to finish writing his thesis. He is in Japan now, but watches our church services online every Sunday morning. We also keep in touch with him. This was a great celebration for our church. Please pray that the Lord would keep these people close to him and help them grow in faith. Please pray for Naoki to be a good testimony in his atheistic family.


We have started again the ministry in the penitentiary after an 18-month break. We have a group of 13 inmates. This is our eleventh meeting with them. We try to find out why they are in prison. They were convicted for robbery, physical aggression, for driving a car without a driving license, for human trafficking, etc. They are between the ages of 20-40. Another middle-aged man was added to our group. He was convicted for human trafficking and has been in prison for nine years. He’s more rebellious and attempts to show us that he is a strong man and in control. Still, we know that his soul has been created by God and is precious to Him.

There’s also a 20-year-old young man who received a 3-years-and-a-half conviction for 2 crimes. He was raised in an evangelical church and understands our message. The men don’t know much and can’t focus for too long, so we have needed to adjust to their level. Please pray for them.

Please pray we would never get to prison for breaking the law. They are not guiltier than we are. We’ve done many bad things, but the Lord has saved us! The guards despise them and I can see they’re disgraced because they are not treated with dignity. The gospel gives value to the fallen man because our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, died to regain our human dignity. Please pray for us to preach the gospel powerfully in these dark places and pray that the gospel would be fruitful here!


Please pray for unity on our team. The Lord has worked a lot in this respect.

Please pray for one sister who has had a difficult life. Her husband and father are non-believers and they don’t agree with her desire to follow the Lord. This is a difficult situation for her.

Adriana and Rebeca are going to be baptized on October 3rd.

Pray for my ministry at Hospice. I will preach there this month.

We have started again our ministry in prison. We have a group of twelve inmates. The ministry is going well and I can interest in the things of God in them.

The Lord is guiding me towards a ministry in the village of Feldioara with the purpose of planting a church. It is a large village and there is no evangelical church.

The ministry in Zizin is at a point in which I think it has no future. We must make a decision in this respect. The village has about 1,200 inhabitants and there is a Pentecostal Church with over 300 members. We are in competition with them and the Pentecostal brothers asked us to give up on our church planting plans so we wouldn’t interfere with them.

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