As I informed you all last month in my report, I am continuing to help in the Christian rehabilitation center for drug addicts and alcoholics. I feel very blessed to be able to serve the Lord in this place, helping the interns, since I can identify with them because of the life I used to live, immersed in the same problems they have. But now I can show them, with my own life, that the Lord Jesus Christ can transform them into new creatures like he did with me. A few Fridays ago I had the privilege of baptizing two interns at that center, who have shown evidence of obeying the command of our Lord to repent and believe, giving public testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Currently, I am going two or three times each week to the center to teach, counsel, and share the Gospel, giving testimony also of the change that the Lord brought about in me when I believed in the saving work of Christ. So, brothers and sisters, I ask you to pray that the Lord would continue using me in the lives of these people that so urgently need Him.