
The Lord gave me and my wife a wonderful blessing this month. We were visited by a young couple, who are also friends of ours. They knocked on our door and said they needed help in their marriage. This is the first opportunity I have had to give marital counseling to a young couple, and I knew that I needed to pray for the Lord’s wisdom to counsel them well and show them what the Bible teaches about marriage. 

We welcomed them into our house and prepared some coffee. God was at work through the conversation. I began to share with them the Scriptures and we read Ephesians 5:1-20. I spoke about how we are to imitate God as His beloved children. We saw that Christians are to walk in the light, seeking to love God and not live for ourselves. Love for God is primary and we must be careful not to fall into vain pursuits or live in the darkness of this world. 

I showed them the love and sacrifice of Christ from verse 2, and that our lives should now be lived in fellowship with Him. Our principal calling is to walk as children of God, children of the light, and separate ourselves from sin. 

They were very convicted by the Scriptures and recognized that they had forgotten these important truths. They saw that they need to pray more together and that what they needed most in their relationship is God’s word. 

They told me that these were the things they needed to hear, and they asked if they could continue coming to talk with us. Afterwards, my wife and I prayed for them. I’m thankful to the Lord for the time we can share with this couple, helping them work through things that couples experience and helping them to continue growing in their understanding of His word.