
The ministry in Pak Nando’s village is in many ways going on as usual. Ministry in his type of context is in reality not too exciting if you were to examine it from day to day. There are not a lot of big events and exciting stories that take place. There’s not even the fierce opposition and persecution that we often read about from those trying to reach Muslims with the gospel. The people in Pak Nando’s village are for the most part apathetic – towards Christians and their gospel, and even towards their own religion. Ministry “success” like anywhere in the world, then, is built upon being faithful to the Lord in the simple activities of everyday life.

Even though Pak Nando has had some difficulty lately, the ministry continues to progress. The progress is not all too visible at this point in time. But, sowing in faith, Pak Nando’s hope is that the cumulative effects of his labor will bring much eternal good. There are now many people in his village who are open, whereas before they ostracized Christians. Considering the history of these people, this is perhaps evidence that God is at work. Now when Pak Nando and his wife visit Muslims who are sick, they are requested to pray for them, as well as when the Muslims have problems with their families. They also come to Pak Nando’s home to ask his advice and he always prays for them and tells them that the Lord Jesus doesn’t only want to help Christians, but he will help them if they realize their need for Jesus and come to him.

In years past, there have been approximately 70-80 people who once professed faith in Christ as a result of Pak Nando’s father’s evangelistic work. However, many of those people didn’t prove to be genuine in their faith and returned to Islam. Recently, however, one of them wants to come back to Jesus. He has already made a decision to come to Pak Nando’s fellowship meetings on Wednesday nights. Please pray for him because if his neighbors find out that he’s going to the prayer meetings, then they will for sure get angry at him, as well as towards the other believers.


Brasov Baptisms

Brasov Baptisms