Warm greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Nepal. In the love of God and in the grace of Christ we all are fine.

Thanks to God for His great love for me and leading me in His right path. In His strength I am getting His truth day by day and helping me to walk in my daily life. The true knowledge of God is the strength of our spiritual growth. It changes our life and leads us towards God. Before I had no true biblical knowledge and so I use to teach my own ideas, knowledge and made myself center of the message but now I am trying to give message from the scripture as much as I can and leading the believers towards Christ. It is my prayer to God that He may leads me to His knowledge more and more and so I may live according it and also may lead my believers according to His words. All this glory goes to the mighty God.

Many thanks to HeartCry for your great support. You are not just supporting us financially but the great support you are giving is the true teaching. We were blind on God’s words before but in the grace of God, He provided HeartCry to lead us in His truth. Still we need more sound biblical training. It is my prayer and hope that we will get those blessing in coming days. I am praying for upcoming training.

May God bless you all! Nick G.