Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the grace of God all church members are well and hope that you all are well in the Lord. Ministry Activities: I would like to give thanks to God for His strength to do His ministry. In His grace the church services and cottage meetings are going well. Though the monsoon makes it difficult to travel but in His grace the fellowships continue.

In the grace of God Karandara’s believers are growing in the Lord. After staying on Friday night with them for the Saturday service, they are getting more guidance from God’s words. We have prayer time on Friday night. We share our difficulties, sorrows, problems from society, life style of Christianity, etc. It is my thanks to God for helping me to be close with them and know each other better. That’s make me to nurture them according to their needs from God’s words.

I would like to give thanks to God for growing the believers in Shelawa. Mr. Terry Bahadur is helping me to do the ministry. I would like to give thanks to God for his sincerity. In the grace of God children are coming more to the Sunday school to learn their school studies and also to hear the stories from the Bible. Shelawa church needs the training teacher for Sunday school. I am praying for this that God may provide good teacher for Sunday school.

The church of Gorikharkha is in very remote place. It is very difficult to travel by bike or bus because of monsoon. The mountains are sliding because of heavy rain and blocking the roads. So I couldn’t visit them time to time except on Wednesday fellowship. Please pray the believers that they my keep their faith in the Lord and also God may protect from natural disaster.

Once again I would like to give thanks to God for His grace to do His ministry and His protection. I could like to give thanks to HeartCry for your love, encouragement and support in my life. I am praying for you. May God bless you! Prayer Requests: Please pray for the believers that they may grow in the Lord. Pray for the Sunday school teachers that they need training. Pray for the people in mountain areas. God may protect form the natural disaster. Pray for Kumar Gurung. He is a new believer. Now he is nearby Butwal and Silas is guiding him in the Lord.

Pray for my health and the ministry.

Sincerely, Gary G.