Thanks be to God for opening up doors to continue advancing in the evangelization of more towns. I am now going to the center of the town of Pueblo Nuevo in the region of Pampaelera. I have begun preaching there, where there are 13 believers that are meeting together to study the Scriptures. We meet together each Sunday at 11:00’am. After I finish teaching the Word in our church in Chipillico. I quickly travel to Pueblo Nuevo. During the week we are meeting with the believers in Pueblo Nuevo on Fridays at 6:30’pm.

This group of brothers and sisters is full of joy and everyone wants to memorize verses of the bible, and they are doing it faithfully. They also want to sing to the Lord together, and this week we were able to purchase an instrument to accompany the singing in our meetings. God is blessing this place. Pray, dear brothers and sisters, for this group. There are two men in the group, one is 30 years old and the other is 70, and there are eleven women. There are also children that are with us for the meetings.