
Dear brethren,

First of all, I thank and praise God for his faithfulness and providence in my ministry in the past month. I am also thankful for your faithful partnership in the ministry and for your generous supports for this sake.

I am delighted to let you know that my pastoral ministry has seen growth and encouragement throughout the past months. My church is growing not only in the knowledge of biblical teachings but also in number. We have now 13 families regularly listening to bible exposition. It’s a great privilege to preach to them the blessed and powerful Gospel. By the grace of God, we are gradually being shaped as a congregation by biblical teachings on essential marks of a local healthy church. It’s still a long way to go, but we are thankful for our slow but steady progress.

There are still some unbelievers, i.e. those who come from liberal church, from animist and Buddhist background. We also organized an open-air preaching in Christmas evening. Please pray for the church as we minister the Gospel to families in the church as well as outside the church. In December, the mission group I lead travelled to three villages in the region and preached the gospel to hundreds of unbelievers.

I thank God also for our bible-training center in W. region, which I oversee. It’s our sixth year course and we have 24 students this year including 5 young men from China. In the first week of January 2018, I went there and taught on Election and Predestination to second & third year students. I also preached on the Lord’s Day on the church’s commitment to evangelism and missions. We were blessed during the week.

Finally, I thank God for our recent meeting with a HC coordinator. Thank you for supporting our trip. We had a really blessed time together in the conference, in bible study, in praying together and mutual encouragement. Thank you also for approving the speakers, which the two missionaries need in their mission fields. Please continue to pray for them as they are engaged in personal evangelism among animists, in teaching at our bible school in w region, in pastoral ministry and also in China outreach mission. Thank you very much. May God bless all partners and donors at HC.

Yours in Christ,
