In this month I taught about “God’s Righteousness” from the book “The One True God.” He is a God who always does good and His judgments are always according to His righteousness. Therefore our response is to fear Him and live righteously. We need to worship Him, praise Him with joy, and declare His righteousness among the people around us.

I am also giving baptism classes to those who are interested in baptism. We are looking at what baptism represents. In these classes, I am teaching them about man’s sin, God’s judgment, and the saving grace and work of Christ for us. Please pray that God will help me to teach the truth to them.

Please pray for Mrs. Luma. She is having a difficult time at her house, as her family members are making demands from her. This has prevented her from attending the fellowship for the last three weeks. It is very difficult to council her, but I did tell her about our first priority is to God. Most of the women, especially the women who are the only believers in their family face these types of problems. Please pray.

 I am very thankful to God for giving me opportunity to have training in Kathmandu by brother Abraham. He taught about the

“Doctrine of the Church”

In this subject he taught about the responsibility of the church elders, their qualifications, and their responsibility of spending time in prayer. I was weak in prayer but through this teaching, I am spending more time in prayer now a day. May God enable me to spend time with the Lord through prayer.

Pray Requests: Please pray for those believers who are alone in their family and getting pressure from their family members. Please pray for me that I may teach biblical teaching to believers and guide them in the Lord. We are planning to build the church meeting place. Please pray for this.

