A major portion of our ministry in the local church consists of counseling, teaching and praying with the married couples and families. On several occasions this past month, we took advantage of Saturdays to exposit God’s Word with regard to the topic of raising kids in light of the Gospel. During these times of teaching there were many visitors, the majority of whom were women.

In our culture it is commonly accepted by men that the raising, teaching, and disciplining of children is the work of the woman, and that it is not the responsibility of the man. However, the Scriptures teach that it is the role of the father to lead the home, and that it is as much his responsibility to raise and discipline the children as it is the mother’s. The man is not to flee or shrink back from this responsibility. The family is a vital part of a healthy local church, since it is in the home that the children are to be most instructed with regard to sin, the righteousness of God, the love of God, the holiness of God, true worship, and the Gospel, among other equally important truths.

Other churches around us have heard about the teaching we have been carrying out with regard to this subject, and they are now asking that we help them by carrying out the same teachings in their churches. To God be the glory! There are now two churches asking us to hold a conference focusing on the biblical family, which we have agreed to do. We will be teaching on marriage and the importance of the Gospel in family life.

Meanwhile, we are continuing to preach the Gospel in public places, showing that man is dead in his sins and that the wisdom of God has been revealed by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die, be buried, and raise on the third day for the sinner, in order to reconcile man and God. All this has been done in open air outside of our church building. We held a special series of evangelistic efforts three consecutive days, preaching and speaking with people in the streets.

Also, dear brothers and sisters, I greatly rejoice not only in preaching Christ in evangelism, and not only in the time I have studying God’s Word, but also because this month, after praying for and exhorting a brother in the faith, he has returned to the flock in repentance. He has a humble desire to be restored for the glory of God.

I want to give my life in gratitude to the One whom I serve. I also thank the brothers that support us spiritually and economically. Grace and peace in the life of each of you.