Thank You Note:

I am very grateful for all the prayer and support that you have sent me. Thank you brethren for your kindness to me. God knows your sacrifice and love, may the Lord continue to guide you and lead you to be a blessing to the whole world.


I have been suffering from a strange headache for several months and still I am under medication but by the grace of God I feel much better now. Thank you brethren your prayer. In fact now I can preach and share the word of God now. I thank the Lord for allowing me to be in his ministry vineyard which I served for now three years’ time, I am truly grateful to God for letting me to be his servant. It is a great privilege on my side.

Ministry Reports:

Within this three months though I was not very feeling well and the doctor forbid me to work much but thank the Lord I was able to give out more than 150 gospel tracts to the Dawei people. It was indeed a blessing. I pray that God will work in the heart of this people. By the grace of God I was able to preach in some mission houses in Dawei for several time. It is such a heartwarming blessing to see there are some believers even in this kind of mission field. I taught Sunday school every week to the Dawei children hoping I would be able to reach the gospel to the parents as well. I have been doing this and slowly I see some differences in the life. I have a time fellowshipping with some young people who like to play football and I was able to share to them more than 8 young people about the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that God will use it and save them.

Sincerely, Htat W.