Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the grace of God we all are fine and I hope that you all are fine too. In the grace of God the weekly church services are going well. I am preaching from the book of James. I am teaching them to be a true Christians. I encourage them to show their faith through their deeds. In the grace of God they are growing in the Lord.

In last month Chandra stopped ministry and also declined to be a church member. He also told to weak and new believers that the RCN group are following false teaching, and because of this, he is not willing to attend the church. Because of this bad influence, some of the new people were shocked. I visited with them and told them our beliefs, doctrine, and the real life of Chandra. In the grace of God the believers are doing well and none of them had stopped attending the fellowship.

In last month Chandra stopped ministry and also declined to be a church member. He also told to weak and new believers that the RCN group are following false teaching, and because of this, he is not willing to attend the church. Because of this bad influence, some of the new people were shocked. I visited with them and told them our beliefs, doctrine, and the real life of Chandra. In the grace of God the believers are doing well and none of them had stopped attending the fellowship.

Three weeks ago one of our church member’s son Mr. Sewa came from abroad. He requested for his marriage. He used to attend Sunday school while he was small, but a few years ago, he went abroad to earn money. I told him about the new birth. I told him to believe in Christ for his salvation. In the grace of God he is attending the church services regularly and also attending in other spiritual activities. May God bring him in His kingdom and also may God provide his needs.

In the grace of God some new people desire to be baptized. I am preparing baptism classes. Once again thanks to God for helping to do His ministry. Praying for you!

Prayer Requests: Pray for Mr. Kapil that he is going through kidney problem. He may get well in the Lord. Mr. Babu went to abroad to earn money. May God guide him and he may have relationship with God and provide him good church where he works. Please pray for the ministry, my life, and my family that we may serve the Lord.

