
HeartCry missionary Pavel Purcaci continues his shepherding ministry under the oversight of the Philadelphia Church in Anenii Noi, Moldova. His multiple ministries include evangelism, discipleship and distributing care packages to the poor as a means to share the gospel. Please pray for his wife, Lidia, as she recovers from a bacteria that has been diminishing her strength.

I was involved mostly in social projects this past month. We had the opportunity to help some churches with food supplies for the needy. I had to organize this ministry to insure that we had all the products and protection masks. The projects are something that we added to our regular ministry in this area. Basically, we distribute about 170 packages with food supplies each month.

Moreover, I helped some ladies from our church with transport, driving them to our Capital city in order to buy some second hand clothes for their families. The youth helped me to prepare packages for aliments for other people; ten for some families which we visited and 20 for those who work at the kindergarten in Hirbovatul Nou.

I continued to preach from the Gospel of Mark and have come to Mark 2:12. The plan is to preach three Sundays each month from this book. We have so many things to learn from our Lord Jesus Christ, especially how to be fishers of men.

One evening I led the youth meeting and talked about friendship and how important it is to have close friends among believers. Others can impact us negatively. Also, on Saturdays I attended the children meetings to help prepare some snacks. I made some pastoral visits also, talking to some of our church members. On one occasion I had to solve a conflict which happened in one of our prayer groups. Praise God for the outcome as He has brought forgiveness and reconciliation.

I want to mention also that this month I took my wife, Lidia, to different places for blood tests. She started feeling more weakened and we discovered that she had a bacteria which consumes her energy. Also, she has digestive problems. We visited a brother in Christ who gave her some natural medicine and we are praying that this treatment works and she will regain her physical strength.