It is my greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is God’s grace that we all are fine and keeping the same hope for you all in the Lord. First of all I would like to give thanks to God for His guidance and knowledge for doing His ministry and also thanks to HeartCry for your true teaching and support for us. Because of this I am blessed in the Lord. In the grace of our Lord the church services and cottage meetings are going well.

I am teaching messages from the book of Acts. I am blessed throughout these passages. From Acts 2:14- 4:22, I saw God’s powerful work through Peter and John. Though they were uneducated and weak, they were trained well by the great teacher, Jesus Christ, and they knew the truth which they proclaimed boldly even in the midst of opposition. When we don’t know the truth, we don’t have boldness to proclaim the gospel. I used to be weak to proclaim the gospel in because I used to feel scared. But now I am getting the true teaching from HeartCry which is making me more eager to share the gospel. Let God may use me to extend His kingdom.

In this month I got privilege to learn about the method of preparing the sermon from Brother David Croteau. Before this I had learned from Brother Andy abut hermeneutics. While brother David taught in this subject I learned some new methods and some are review for me which really helpful to me to prepare the message. I am using those methods while I am preparing the message and also in my personal bible study. Though we learned this topic I request that we receive more teaching on this topic. I am praying for this and hoping that we will get more teaching in this topic in coming days.

In my previous report I had told about Mr. Gupta Thada. He went to Korea in July. I counseled him through God’s words and especially I focused from Rom. 12: 1-2. I told him that God is merciful God and knowing He is merciful we need to give our life to Him. We have to worship Him while we are on earth. So where we go, what we do, from all these we need to do according to His will and need to glorify Him. I told him to keep the relationship with God, with his wife, family and church believers. In God’s grace he responded positively. I prayed for him and praying continually for his relationship with God.

We had cottage meeting in one of our believer’s houses. The husband is already baptized and he is a good believer but his wife Dauka Saru comes to church very rarely. I told her to continue the church but she told that she has difficult to speak Nepali language and also difficult to understand the language. She is from “Magar” tribe and her language is different. Because of this reason she makes excuse not to attend the church meetings. I told her form Rom. 2: 11-16 that God will judge whether we may know Nepali language or not, we are Christian or not. God will judge to all of us but those who believe in Christ, He will speak behalf of us. I also told her husband to help her to know God’s word’s from their language. He has agreed to do so. May God help him to help his wife to grow in the Lord.

Sincerely, Nick G.