
I have been able to witness the Lord’s hand at work through the meetings that we have during the week in homes in different parts of the city. Not only do the meetings serve as an encouragement for the brothers and sisters of the church, but it has also been an opportunity to share the gospel with different visitors. I have been able to see people confronted with the Word of God and some have come to a true understanding of the gospel. I have been able to witness the radical change the gospel has produced in their lives.

One of the people that was recently converted in the context of these meetings is a lady that was part of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. From the time she was a little girl she had been taught in that context, but by the grace of God, some of the sisters from our church were able to meet her and speak with her about the gospel when a group had gone out to share the gospel in the streets. They invited her to come to the home group, and she came.

When she visited the group, we were studying the book of Ruth, and we saw how Boaz is a type of Christ, who desired our redemption and became our Redeemer. It was in that study, as we looked at the way in which Christ accomplished our redemption, that this woman began to cry as she witnessed the sacrifice Christ made in His great love for us, His great love for her.

Since that time, she is showing great growth and interest in knowing more of Christ. She has begun to pray for her family, since all of them are still part of the Jehovah’s Witness cult. We know that God is good and we trust that He will help us get the gospel to her family also. We’re continuing to pray that the Lord would be glorified as He saves more people through the evangelism in the streets and through these home groups.


Pavel Purcaci

Pavel Purcaci