We’re thankful for the brothers at Charles Simeon Trust (CST) for their ministry this past week to HeartCry missionaries, as well as other pastors and teachers in Peru. Each of the past four years HeartCry and the Centros Teológicos Bautistas Seminary in Lima have hosted a CST preaching workshop. This year, there were more than 70 pastors and teachers present.

The growth and maturity of the church depends on the proper exposition of God word, proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit. To that end, the CST focuses on training pastors to better interpret the meaning of Scripture in light of the Cross, formulate it into an expository sermon, and preach it with reliance on the Spirit to bring about conviction and obedience.

As the pastors now return home to their churches and put into practice what they have learned this past week, please continue to pray for the Lord’s help in their ministries. Pray that they would continue to be equipped and empowered by God in their ability to interpret and apply the Scriptures in their local churches, in order that the glories of Christ might be magnified in the lives of His people.