On Sundays, I continue to preach on 1st Peter, the last sermon was on chapter 3 verses 8-13 regarding the relationship between the believers in our church. This topic is important, because I think the relationship in the church between believers can always be improving. Also, when we pray on Fridays for the church and personal needs, I have a good opportunity to teach. There is always exciting questions that I am answering at the prayer meeting, and I am preparing a short sermon on different passages.

Also the church continues to train in evangelism, this class for church members is held twice a month. The purpose of our study is that the people will understand the Gospel and how to live it in order to maximize every opportunity that they have to proclaim the good news. In this lesson, we reviewed the first two lessons, which took place last year. The first lesson stated what should be an evangelist – his motives and what should encourage him to preach. The second lesson – the essence of the Gospel of which it is composed. The lesson we also examined Paul’s preaching in Athens, at the Areopagus (Book of Acts chapter 17). We admired how wisely and skillfully Paul begins to reveal the gospel. And also learned about what is in his preaching of the Gospel. I also have strong experience that not all show care about teaching and proclaiming the Gospel. I ask you to pray that our church is not passive but eager for the proclamation of the gospel.

Also, I want to share a little bit about the future plans for spreading the Gospel in our area. At the end of December we will have the celebration of Christmas. Due to Christian holidays people are more inclined to listen; it’s a good time to talk about Christ and the Gospel. We ordered 400 copies of gift packages with Christian calendars and brochures that we plan to give away to people and share the Gospel with them. I ask you to pray for the whole church to participate effectively in this ministry, and for God to bless our work. In the past, we have seen the fruitfulness of this in the form of newcomers and rescued people in our community.