
Urbano Gomez: A New Building and a New Believer

This month we’ve been working on the construction of the new church building in San Luis. The brothers and sisters are really happy to see the project advancing. We give thanks to God for the financial support from HeartCry, which has made it possible for us to continue moving forward with it, and we are confident that it will be for the glory of God. This building will serve to host many different events: annual conferences with all the churches in Pacaipampa, pastoral training modules, theological seminars, conferences for married couples, and other similar events. San Luis is a central place in Pacaipampa, so it makes it easier for all the churches to travel there. The town also has electricity and running water. All the churches are very happy for this new building and are praying for everyone who supports the work of the gospel here.

One afternoon, while we were working on the building, I was given the job of supplying the water for the construction site all day. A young man was helping me, and I began to speak to him about the word of God. As we began talking, he said he would like to know more about Jesus. I explained to him who Jesus is and what He has done for us. I shared with him that we are sinners by nature and in need of God’s forgiveness. This sparked a long conversation as we worked and he had a lot of questions. By the end of the day, he was believing what had been shared with him from the Scriptures and he asked me if I could get him a Bible, which I did. This young man has repented and is trusting in Christ, and he is now attending the church. Please pray for him, that the Lord in His grace would give him spiritual growth.

Nicomedes Saavedra: Unreached Towns and Baptisms

In a few weeks a group of us will be going to Hualanga, which is a small town in the mountains where there are now believers. There are also a lot of families and individuals across the mountain range near San Lázaro that have asked me to come and share the gospel with them. On top of those opportunities, I continue preaching the gospel in the church where God has placed me. More people are coming to hear God’s word and a number of them have repented and are following Jesus. We have a baptism planned with fifteen new believers and we are teaching them the things which God has commended to us (Matt 28:18-20). With these new believers being added to our church, I’m reminded that while we go and preach the gospel in other areas of the mountains, we can’t neglect the sheep that the Lord has entrusted to us in our own local church—we must feed the flock here.

José Luis Siancas: Growing Out of a Superficial Gospel

This month the Lord led a brother in our church to introduce me to a lady from the city of Lima. He put me in contact with her in order to offer counsel in her marriage. My wife and I have been speaking with her often to talk with her through the issues, but as we’ve spoken to her we’ve come to the conclusion that the real problem in her marriage is a superficial understanding of the gospel. This has been a great opportunity for us to present the biblical gospel to her and to begin walking her through the truths of the Scriptures. Through our conversations, the Lord seems to have led her to know Him more and to hold fast to Christ. I am continuing to pray and seek the Lord’s wisdom in how to help her marriage. Please pray with me for that.