We believe that we are commanded not only to preach the gospel to the world, but also to communicate news about God’s great works to His people. The Scriptures teach us that “the heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1). Since this is true of the voiceless heavens (Psalm 19:3), should not we who have a voice declare His works? Asaph vowed that he would not conceal God’s strength and wondrous works but tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord (Psalm 78:4). The psalmist exhorted God’s people to tell of His works with joyful singing and to give thanks to the Lord for His wonders to the sons of men (Psalm 107:21-22). The Messiah declared, “I will tell of Your name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly, I will praise You” (Psalm 22:22-23). Even the lepers who discovered the abundant provisions in the camp of the Arameans after they had been routed by God recognized that it would not be right to keep silent in the day of good news (II Kings 7:8-9). How much more would it not be right for us to keep silent about all the good that God is doing across the globe? The Scriptures declare, “Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land” (Proverbs 25:25). What “good news” could revive the Christian’s weary soul and encourage the downcast more than news from the mission field about God’s work of redemption?
The texts quoted in the preceding paragraph are the foundation of HeartCry’s media department. It exists, not to raise support or prod God’s people to give, but to tell them what He has done, that they might praise Him and rejoice before Him with thanksgiving. In keeping with this purpose, we have determined to publish reports of God’s faithful dealings with us around the world through the following mediums:
HeartCry Magazine
The purpose of our magazine is to inform inquirers and partners about our work, our stewardship, and the wondrous things that God has accomplished through their prayers and giving. The publication also includes articles, reports, and testimonies from the field to encourage readers in their walk with God. A physical copy of the magazine is given free of charge to all our donors. A free digital version is available to all on our website: www.heartcrymissionary.com.
HeartCry Website
The HeartCry website (www.heartcrymissionary.com) has the same purpose as our magazine but provides more detailed information and stories from around the world. Through our website, the inquirer may:
- Witness HeartCry’s mission and methodology in practice.
- Access statistical information about the countries where we labor.
- Read news that is posted from around the world detailing events and specific prayer needs.
- Get to know individual HeartCry missionaries.
- Watch our mission documentaries from around the world.
Learn about the Great Commission and how you might participate in God’s great work of redemption.
HeartCry Films
For more than thirty years, we have witnessed the redemptive work of God among the nations and have been privileged to unite in labor with brothers and sisters of extraordinary character—men and women of whom the world is not worthy (Hebrews 11:38). Time would fail us if we attempted to tell all that we have seen and heard (Hebrews 11:32). Upon returning home from the field, we have often lamented that we were unable to give an accurate depiction of what we found there. Our sorrow was further exacerbated by the fact that so many Christian films are devoted to fiction when the real work of God far exceeds any drama or fantasy that any author, Christian or otherwise, might conceive—“Things which eye has not seen and hear has not heard and which have not entered the heart of man” (I Corinthians 2:9).
As our burden to tell God’s story continued to increase, we began to pray for the means to produce documentaries that would portray God’s real work on the field to believers back home. Finally, a few years ago, God answered our prayers, and we began to produce documentaries from the field. We now have a small but dedicated media team that is devoted to “telling of God’s wonderful deeds among all peoples” (I Chronicles 16:24). Please pray for this ministry, that it might continue to strengthen believers by demonstrating that our God reigns (Isaiah 52:7).
Click here to view HeartCry’s missionary documentaries and other films.
HeartCry Prayer Calendar
To facilitate intercession for the nations and our missionaries around the world, HeartCry publishes an annual prayer calendar. Each month displays a photo and a missionary quote that reaffirm the importance of the Great Commission and the need for prayer. Each day highlights two of our missionaries or staff members. The calendar is sent to all our donors and prayer partners.
HeartCry Social Media
At HeartCry, we seek to utilize every resource that God has given us to proclaim His gospel, display His glory, and edify His church. For this reason, we are continually searching for more and better ways to make His name great among the nations through multiple online platforms. Currently, we are utilizing Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to provide believers with updates from the field, prayer requests, missionary interviews, and other newsworthy stories.
HeartCry Sermons & Curriculum
For the last thirty years, HeartCry has collected hundreds of teaching videos from a wide range of preachers and teachers who have worked with us or in association with our missionaries on the field. These have been placed in two categories:
HeartCry Courses — Teaching and preaching series filmed at the HeartCry studio, including material prepared by Paul Washer.
Sermons – A select number of Paul Washer’s sermons are available on our website. A more complete selection can be found on SermonAudio (www.sermonaudio.com).