During this month, I have continued to serve in the ministry at the rehabilitation center for people with drug addiction problems in Punchauca. The Lord has given me the opportunity to serve Him there and I continue to do so with the same determination and devotion despite the challenges and obstacles that always come. I find great joy in seeing the fruits and the perseverance in the lives of those to whom the Lord has placed me to minister His Word and share the testimony of what He has done in my own life, as an example of what He can do in the life of each one of the people there.

Another reason that I rejoice this month is that I was invited to preach in a church that is very close to the neighborhood where a group of Cubans live, who had come over with me to Peru in 1980. After the service in the church I went to visit them, and it was the first time we had seen each other in many years. I was able to speak with them about the Word of God and share the testimony of the Lord’s work in me, and they could see the difference and began to marvel at how great and powerful the Lord is, and at the hope there is in Him.

With regard to the local church in which I am serving, I give thanks to God because though it is a small congregation, there is a real desire to serve the Lord with much love. I am continue to carry out studies in the homes of different brothers and sisters, where we invite neighbors and family members in order for them to hear the Gospel. Those who have made a profession of faith in Christ through these studies are being discipled and there are people that are now coming to the church because of them.