Img 20221026 121451

Completed: 11월, 2022

New laptops were purchased for the brothers in India for translation work, Sunday worship prep, etc.

More Projects in India
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India 2018 – By God’s Grace Alone – Tamil
Project Ministry Tools

Laptops for India

Completed: 11월, 2022

New laptops were purchased for the brothers in India for translation work, Sunday worship prep, etc.

Img 20221026 121451

Completed: 11월, 2022

New laptops were purchased for the brothers in India for translation work, Sunday worship prep, etc.

More Projects in India
Img 20211115 103021
India 2018 – By God’s Grace Alone – Tamil


Missionary shared: “These brothers are thrilled with joy to receive the laptops which indeed are ministry equipment for them. Prior to this, they were working on their old laptops for translation work, preparation for Sunday worship and Wednesday Bible Study, Worship Service planning, Slide presentation for congregational singing, etc. They weren’t able to use their old laptop for content creation, but their new laptop is meeting that need. The new laptop is also a great help for them for their future as they are also planning to be part of our church’s internship program in reading e-books, watching lectures, writing papers, etc. Thank you so much for making this possible and investing in the lives of these dear brothers of mine for the work of the Gospel.

Words will only fail to describe how grateful I am and how much I have been helped by your continual holding of the rope. It has not only made me worry less but also labor for the people whom God has entrusted to me. You all do have a great amount of share in the fruitfulness of my life, ministry, and church.”

One brother shared, “I am very thankful for this grace of God. This has encouraged me to work harder and faithfully for the glory of God through the growth of His church in our region. I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to HeartCry and all who have helped me by providing this ministry equipment.”

The other brother shared, “I am thankful to God and humbled to receive such a gift. I am also grateful to Heartcry for this gift. I am encouraged by God’s faithfulness. This gives me a good reason to be faithful to the responsibility God has given me to serve Him. Thank you.”