Completed: Sep, 2018

William labored tirelessly for almost two decades to translate the Bible into his native language, Falam Chin. HeartCry helped with the publishing cost of 20,000 copies to distribute the Falam Chin Bible translation.

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Myanmar Church Building
Generator for the Church Building
Project Bible Distribution

Falam Chin Bible

Completed: Sep, 2018

William labored tirelessly for almost two decades to translate the Bible into his native language, Falam Chin. HeartCry helped with the publishing cost of 20,000 copies to distribute the Falam Chin Bible translation.

Asia Protected 2

Completed: Sep, 2018

William labored tirelessly for almost two decades to translate the Bible into his native language, Falam Chin. HeartCry helped with the publishing cost of 20,000 copies to distribute the Falam Chin Bible translation.

More Projects in Asia Protected 2
Myanmar Church Building
Generator for the Church Building

William began working on the translation of the Bible into the Falam Chin language in 2002. In September 2018 the Old and New Testaments were finally completed. After finishing the translation, there was another challenge; the printing cost. Heartcry Missionary Society has approved the needed funds of $27,000 for Bible Publication.

William shared his testimony to his response upon hearing the funds had been provided by HeartCry:

“After finishing the translation, there was another challenge; the printing cost. Printing thousands of copies of a Bible is expensive. I asked the Project Manager concerning funds for Bible printing and he told me we were short $40,000.00. That is a big amount. My heart was really burdened, and I shared this to believers in our fellowship, asking them to pray. I was informed that the funds were coming in very slowly. The last news was that $27,000.00 was needed. One night, just before I went to bed, I received a very brief email from HeartCry Missionary Society with these few words; ‘Heartcry Missionary Society has approved the needed funds of $27,000.00 for Bible Publication.”

William began working on the translation of the Bible into the Falam Chin language in 2002. In September 2018 the Old and New Testaments were finally completed. After finishing the translation, there was another challenge; the printing cost. Heartcry Missionary Society has approved the needed funds of $27,000 for Bible Publication.

“I jumped up and shouted Hallelujah. My wife was surprised and said. ‘What?” I said, ‘It is complete now.’ She replied again, ‘What?’ I exclaimed, ‘Funds for the Bible publication is completed now!’We both knelt down and gave thanks to God. The next day, I received lovely news from the manager saying the funds are full. I would like to say thank you to all donors, and I want to say thanks a million to Heartcry Missionary Society for completing the needed money for Bible publication.”

Read the full update here.