In Lusaka, Zambia, HeartCry partnered with Kabwata Baptist Church to host a missions and pastors conference focusing on the 10/40 Window. HeartCry missionaries from all over Africa attended and were greatly encouraged.

Conrad Mbewe (pastor of KBC) says this: “At this conference we are focusing on reaching the 10/40 Window with the gospel. It is something that we have anticipated for a long time, because the 10/40 Window is a dark area shielded behind curtains against the gospel. We rarely get to hear about what’s happening in that area, beyond what we see in the news about disasters and so forth. It has been exciting and encouraging to find out about the open doors for the gospel there, and to begin to discern how we might go through them. We need to not just pray, but also “Go” (Matt. 28:19) and be party to what God is doing for His kingdom in this dark area of the world.”

One HeartCry missionary says this, “I live in Nigeria and I’m familiar with the challenges of reaching the Muslims in the regions of the north. I’m now going back home, encouraged and strengthened in my resolve to reach this hardest group in the north of Nigeria with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Watch A Short Video of the children of Kabwata Baptist Church as they practice one of their songs to sing in the Missions Conference later that day.