
How Great Thou Art!

Spring has begun. Flowers, plants, and trees are budding. The fresh green of spring testifies of new life and points us directly to the majesty and glory of our God and Creator. It directed us to Psalm 104: 1, 19, 24, 33, and 34 “Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty… He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows the place of its setting… O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions… He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows the place of its setting… I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the LORD.” It is a great blessing and holy privilege to be allowed to serve our God. It is our prayer that we would become more and more awed by who He is in His being and character. Recently I spoke from Romans 11: 33–12:8. Paul teaches that Biblical worship and praise leads to a life of devotion. The more we become awed over who God is, the more we will devote our lives to Him.

Reason For Gratefulness!

In our last report we shared that I (Jacques) had a bad fall in January through which I broke my elbow. My elbow has healed now. I’m completely restored and able to do everything again. Recovery was much faster than we had expected and we are extremely grateful. It didn’t take long before we were able to get back to work. In our last newsletter we spoke of our search for a different vehicle. Due to high costs we wanted to downsize from two cars to one decent family car, which would also be useful for our ministry purposes. We are extremely grateful to be able to tell you that in February we were able to buy another car. The Lord has provided financially; thank you for your prayers. The boys went with us when we picked up the car and were amazed by God’s guidance in it all. It is a great privilege to be able to share such a thing with one’s children. It shows them that we serve a living God.

The Lord Provides Work!

It is customary in the Netherlands that speaking engagements for the coming year are planned during January and February. Many requests have come for this year, but also for 2015, and even for 2016. For this we are grateful, as well. We see this very clearly as a confirmation of the calling that the Lord Himself has placed in our hearts. In the midst of much work, it is a blessing to be able to get together several times a year with a group of pastors for prayer. In February we met and Justin Peters (USA) joined us that day. After spending some time in prayer together, he shared a message regarding the discernment of spirits, after which we had a discussion. It is very edifying and very precious to be able to spent time like this together with other pastors, being able to share our hearts and encourage one another. Last month, in our Baptist congregation, I finished a sermon series on the book of Nehemia. In this awe-inspiring book we see how God, in the midst of spiritual and material need, desires to bring revival amongst a people, within a congregation, and even in an individual. It was a privilege to be able to share these truths with our church. Soon we will start a new sermon series on another book of the Bible. The Lord is clearly at work in different parts of Holland. The last few months I have been teaching large groups of men regarding the leadership of the husband. During these days the Holy Spirit did a deep work in these men through the proclamation of the Word. Additionally, we keep receiving many positive reactions from the entire country to the study on Romans. It’s amazing how many people follow the studies via YouTube. We see God’s great grace displayed through this. We have also received inroads to speak to Christian entrepreneurs and businessmen. We have been in full time ministry almost a year now and the Lord has provided in everything. Over and over we experience such gladness in our work. It is a joy and inspiration to pass on the good news, regardless of the fact that there is criticism and opposition. By God’s grace we persevere, through good reports and evil reports, through honor and dishonor, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord. Because of the work that the Lord allows us to do, we come in frequent contact with much (spiritual) need in personal lives, marriages, and families, but also in local congregations. In the midst of these troubles I find often that I’m still young and inexperienced. Thus our prayer is, “Lord, give the us the wisdom which is from Above and the sensitivity to the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, who leads us into truth.”

Prayer For Protection!

We often notice that prayer for protection is unbelievably important – protection of our marriage and protection of our children. Often I’m away for speaking engagements and the enemy will try in many varied ways to disturb and to divide. What a privilege is to know that we are surrounded by a circle of intercessors and fight together in the army of the Lord! We would request that you would continue specifically in prayers for protection. Thank you for your involvement with our family and our ministry. Please, know that we appreciate it tremendously! Closely united in our Savior!

Jacques & Annette Brunt Levi, Boaz & Jesse Alblasserdam Holland