This report was written by a young lady from the U.S. who visited with Ranjit K. and his family for several weeks in North India.

Jai Masih ki (praise the Lord) friends,

What a privilege it is to serve the Lord with you. To give is truly better than to receive; we find no greater joy than in giving ourselves to the Lord for him to use as he wills. It is in our posture of humility that God loves to work and make himself known.

Brother Ranjit has asked me to write this update from the perspective of an outsider looking in. I am a young American who is here in India for three months seeking the Lord’s will for my future regarding full-time ministry. During this time I have been able to spend several weeks with Ranjit’s family and see the Lord’s work firsthand. I hope it will allow you to more fully understand what is happening here and how God is using this family as ambassadors for his glory. Thank you for being a part of their lives. Your various ways of supporting and upholding them are so important and are examples of the body of Christ in action. So come peak through the window with me into the life of Brother Ranjit, the church, and the vision God has given him for the future.

We are doing well and continuing to strive ahead in pursuing Kingdom work. Each day is filled with ministry in various ways. Sometimes it involves prayer meetings, discipling, traveling to other villages, or sharing the gospel. Other times it is simply opening up our home to guests and ministering through hospitality. Because our home is centrally located in proximity to fellow workers, we find people continually coming through our doors. Yes, it is tiring, but God is gracious in providing strength and meeting all our needs. Ministry always involves relationships with messed up people, and since each of us falls into this category it is never easy. However, that is how God loves to work. He uses messed up people to touch other messy lives so that in the end he might receive glory when he makes the crooked straight, the lame walk, and the blind see. The monsoon season is here, so we are seeing many storms and rainfalls. The power frequently goes out, and we find ourselves preparing dinner by an electric lantern. Landslides and floods are occurring in the hills which have killed many people and make travel difficult. Please pray for the affected families.

The organization is running well as people are being trained and taught both in physical skills and in spiritual matters. Currently we have two locations where women are learning to sew and knit so someday they will be able to help provide for their families. The Word of God is also shared with them as they are genuinely cared for and loved. Recently we were able to teach a basic health lesson on sanitation and hygiene regarding bacteria and how sickness can be prevented by boiling water and washing hands. It may surprise you that 95% of this information was new to most of them. Five tutoring centers are running for children in local villages. Each day after school around 30 little ones come for help with homework and interaction with volunteers who invest in their lives. We are able to personally visit each location a few times every month during which time we teach some English and action songs with simple truths, share the Word, and build relationships. Here among the Hindus, children are the bridge to the parents. When our own children are in school, Seema and I often go to visit these parents and share Christ with them. Some of the Hindu tutors at these centers are holding Bible studies in their homes and reading the Bible as they seek truth from Scripture. Pray they will come to know the one true God and have faith to wholeheartedly follow Christ.

As you know, this year God provided land for a worship hall. Until we have an actual building we are meeting outside under an extended roof. Services last about two hours and are filled with singing, prayer, teaching action songs to the children, telling Bible stories, and preaching. It is all very simple, yet so heartfelt and real. Believers among these people of extreme poverty have little to call their own, but are abounding in riches. God’s Kingdom is always one that is upside down. Should it surprise us then that those who are in physical poverty are the richest spiritually? These are ones who truly understand the riches of his glorious grace.

We recently had five brothers from and friends of HeartCry visit us. They taught a lot on the Christian worker’s holy life, his sound doctrine, clear preaching style and building Bible based churches in North India.

Grateful for you,


Upcoming Trip to Asia

Upcoming Trip to Asia