We are working a lot toward the restoration of struggling marriages in our midst, with the power of the preaching of the Gospel. It has been a great blessing. Early last month I visited a couple that recently began coming to the church. When I arrived at their home, I quickly noted that there was a sense of desperation and uneasiness in each of them, due to the constant problems and conflicts that existed in their relationship. In fact, because of the problems they were experiencing, they no longer had a desire to attend the church services.

God gave me an opportunity to preach the Gospel to them, presenting them with Christ. It was beautiful to see the change in their reaction. As they listened to the Gospel applied personally to their lives, they were humbled, and even manifested forgiveness toward one another in that moment. They were impacted when they heard that Christ carried our sins on the cross, and that though we were His enemies, He forgave us, not based on any merits in ourselves, but by His merits on the Cross of Calvary.

They have since made the decision to get married (because though they were living together, they were not married). They are continuing to come to the church services, and it is amazing to hear them both giving testimony of the Lord’s saving work in their lives, and that they now belong to Christ. Please, your prayers for their new marriage, that the Lord might bless this union as they seek to be obedient to Christ. The young man is a fisherman, whom the Lord has rescued by His grace from a very difficult lifestyle. He is now eager to preach the Gospel over the radio to other fishermen out at sea.