
The Lord provided several opportunities during December to share the wonderful Gospel of the blessed God! Our Christmas outreach to our village filled us with joy because we were able to tell why Christians celebrate Christmas to more than 100 of our Buddhist neighbors. For many that we witnessed to it was their first time to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ explained clearly to them. Most Cambodians think that they will have another life after this one and aren’t really concerned about their sin. To explain to them,

“It is appointed once for men to die, but after this comes the judgment,”

 Hebrews 9:27

and our good deeds are like a filthy garment in the sight of a holy God (Isaiah 64:6) is foreign to them. We trust that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to see why God sent His own Son to save sinners like us. It was a great encouragement to see one family pray together and ask Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and save them. This family now declares that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

We have shared the Gospel throughout the month of December, but we were not aware of anyone else turning to Jesus to save them. We are grateful, though, for the opportunity to plant the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of these people. In several of the villages that I visited, my wife and I were able to encourage the new believers to abide in the Lord. These new brothers and sisters are always happy to see us and talk about God’s Word.

Also, the Lord gave us an opportunity to help a very poor family. We were able to give them 3 chickens, a 5-kilo bag of rice, and some clothes as an offering of love. Please pray for this family to come to truly know Jesus Christ.

This month we had a church member die who was 70 years old. Brother Kem is now together with Jesus, and for that, we rejoice! I was able to perform a Christian funeral for him and his friends, neighbors, and extended family were able to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ. Praise God! Jesus is waiting for us to receive us to Himself after we are finished after our earthly life is over! Hallelujah!

A joyous event this month was the wedding of two young believers. We were able to invite their Buddhist relatives to attend a Christian wedding and celebrate with us. In the picture above, you will see one of the Cambodian customs that we have where the husband and wife wash the feet of their parents during the wedding ceremony to show honor and love to them.

Please pray for those who have been engaged with the glorious Gospel that they will believe on Christ Jesus and follow Him. 

