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It has been a busy season for us, but the Lord has used it to bear fruit.

Last month, I preached for a week in Cape Breton at Hugh Morrison’s church. The fellowship with him was a true blessing from the Lord. I met a young man named James Maclellon while I was there. He is a solid young brother and has an evangelistic heart. I believe he may be joining us for HeartCry church plants in the near future; I’m praying for that to happen.

There was a new family who moved to New Bandon from Ontario. I paid them a visit as soon as I found out about them. While I was in their home I shared the Gospel and invited them to church. Since then they’ve been attending regularly.

Joshua, an eleven year old boy attending one of the chapels at our Christian school, was converted early last fall. Despite his age, he has a real zeal for the Gospel and wants to see people come to Christ. A few months back, he began to read the Bible to his grandfather Wayne, who is a professing atheist. Joshua would read while in Wayne’s bedroom, all the while burdened to see his grandfather saved.

Wayne was gloriously converted a few months ago, and I believe the Lord has saved Joshua’s twin sister, Sophie, as well. They are a wonderful family, and we love them tremendously. Thank God for sending them to us! They will be baptized next month with a few others, Lord willing.

I also had the privilege of leading a 74 year old man, Danny, to Christ about two weeks ago. God is moving! 

My wife Lisa and I went to PEI last week for 6 days. The place we were staying in was right beside the home of A.B. Simpson, who was the founder of the Christian Missionary Alliance. Right besides that was the Preysbeterian church where John MacArthur’s grandfather used to preach. Unfortunately, the place is liberal now. There is a real need for churches to be planted in PEI, NB, and also in NS.  Please pray that God will bring this to pass!

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

  • Matthew 9:37-38

In Christ,

David Storey

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