Jorge Marsano's Family In Oxapampa

Opportunities to evangelize have not been lacking here. On one occasion, with a man named Pablo, I was asked, “How are Catholicism and Evangelicalism different?” Pablo asked me this after he had found out that I was a missionary. He also asked me, “What is a Christian?” These are questions that give a wide opening for the exposition of the gospel. So, I went straight into giving Pablo a clear and direct response.

For twenty minutes I explained the gospel to him. Even though we were at a birthday party in the neighborhood, surrounded by a number of people, we were able to speak without a single interruption until, sadly, after twenty minutes, we were abruptly interrupted in a disrespectful way because in that context, to speak about religion is “socially prohibited.” 

Jorge And Pablo In Oxapampa, Peru

In many cases, especially among the German descendants that I am trying to reach here in Oxapampa, there is strong opposition to any belief that is not traditional Catholicism. These people really are closed off in their beliefs. Still, I am convinced, that by the power of the gospel of God, those hearts of stone and those eyes clouded by a false Christianity, can be opened, softened, and transformed into eyes and hearts full of love for Christ. And this transformation, by the grace of the blessed God and Savior, is the hope for the work of missions.

Returning to the case of Pablo, we agreed to have another meeting in my home to eat together and be able to speak more without interruption. I ask you to pray for Pablo, that he would continue to receive the message of the gospel, that he would be convinced of the sin in his life, and that he would be led and stirred by the Holy Spirit to have repentance and faith in Christ.

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Year-End Rejoicing

Year-End Rejoicing