From Our Desk
God Will Save His People – With or Without You: From the story of Esther we learn that God is able to save His people and make His Name great among the nations with or without our help.
(Pg. 4-7)
A Sound Word
A sermon on the Great Commission preached by Charles Spurgeon to the Baptist Missionary Society.
(Pg. 8-13)
The Unabridged Autobiography of George Muller is now Available
Pre-order today.
(Pg. 14)
Our Missionaries in Africa Insert A pull-out reference sheet to assist you in praying for our African missionaries.
(Pg. 15 & 18)
Where in the world is HeartCry
A look at the places were HeartCry is currently working in Africa. Missionary data and location information also included.
(Pg. 16-17)
Reports from Benin
Reports from HeartCry’s missionaries in theWest African country of Benin.
(Pg. 19-22)
Reports from Ghana
Reports from HeartCry’s missionaries in the West African country of Ghana.
(Pg. 23-27)
Reports from Nigeria
Reports from HeartCry’s missionaries in theWestAfrican country of Nigeria.
(Pg. 27-29)
HeartCry’s 2003 Bible Conference
The Gospel of Jesus Christ – 4 CD Set.
(Pg. 30)
Paul Washer’s Preaching Itinerary
Also available on our website, including up to date changes and additions: