Middle East Student Fellowship (MESF) is a university ministry based in an undisclosed location in the Middle East that was launched shortly after September 11, 2001. They are active on about 20 campuses across the country, sharing the gospel with students from diverse faith and cultural backgrounds. Their aim is to establish indigenous fellowships of students on the campuses, supported and led by indigenous staff team, all of whom bear witness to the Lordship of Christ Jesus.
MESF places a strong emphasis on the importance and centrality of the gospel message in Christian living and ministry. They believe that “to assume the gospel is the first step to losing the gospel.” For this reason their primary ministry strategy is to expose students to God’s Word. They also hold to a high view of the church and partner with several like-minded local churches. Several members of the staff team are elders and deacons at these partner churches, and Christian students are encouraged to become active members.
MESF has been blessed with tremendous growth largely due to its success in developing and deploying strong staff team members to advance the work. Since there are many unreached people groups represented on their campuses, they believe their ministry has the potential to bring revival not only to their own country, but also to other closed countries where students will return home after their time in university.
Below are the testimonies of the Middle East Student Fellowship staff that HeartCry supports.† Their names have been changed for security reasons.
†Each of these MESF staff is partially supported by HeartCry. They also receive support from other churches and individuals.