Wege is a member of Mt. Makulu Baptist Church and graduate of Kabwata Baptist Church’s pastoral internship program (2011). In the early months of 2012, Mt. Makulu sent Wege out to spearhead a church plant in the Chilanga area of Lusaka.
Testimony of Conversion
Before I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I was fairly a good person, and my parents used to take us to church every Sunday at a local United Church of Zambia (UCZ). I was just a church attender (not a believer), a person who could be easily influenced by my peers to do evil without feeling ashamed and guilty.
One day, in the late 1980s, I was invited by a friend to attend a service at his church (John Laing Baptist Church in Lusaka). It was in this church where I met Christ as my Savior; not because of the change of the church, but because of the faithful preaching of God’s word by Pastor Paul Tembo, which affected my life and convicted me of my sins.
It did not happen the first Sunday I was invited, but after listening to a number of sermons for a few years. I finally repented and surrendered my life to Jesus in the early part of 1991, and in March I was baptized.
Life in Christ for me has been very exciting as I strive daily to live for Him. I have always enjoyed His grace and love, even when I falter. However, life has not been smooth sailing. I have had my own challenges in my Christian life, but the Lord has always been faithful. I am standing today solely because of His love and mercy, trusting Him to keep me to the end.
Call to Ministry
I started sensing the call into ministry just after I had completed my secondary school in 1996. God used a man by the name of Elisha Mudenda, who was quite instrumental in my Christian life, along with Mr. Simonze and Pastor Paul Tembo to impact my life greatly. These men played their roles in making me realize my call into full time ministry as they nurtured me as a young Christian.
Of course I had my own plans for my life. I wanted to do electrical engineering, but providentially I was unable to due to financial challenges. I then started working as a salesman at Encee Limited, with the help of Elisha Mudenda. This man did not only help me spiritually but materially and financially as well. It was as if he noticed that the call of God was upon my life in the sense that he helped to provide for me to attend Christian conferences, seminars, youth camps, leadership seminars, etc. Because of this vast exposure to the things of God, the call became so strong and evident that I stopped having any interest in raising money to and study electrical engineering. Instead I started thinking more about theological training, so I resigned from my work because I noticed it was not satisfying my soul. I never really enjoyed doing anything else except the Lord’s work, regardless of the cost.
Thankfully, there was a youth movement called Ambassadors for Christ Team (ACT) under the Baptist Fellowship of Zambia (BFZ) in Lusaka whose vision was to establish churches in Zambia. They came to our local church recruiting/registering new members. Amongst the three members who qualified I was one of them. This happened sometime in 1997. This time I was fully convinced and assured within my spirit that God had called me into full time ministry because of what God was doing in my life, and fellow Christians bore witness to that effect.
My own pastor, Paul Tembo, did not hesitate in utilizing me in the local and inter-church responsibilities. Furthermore, out of the three of us who were picked by ACT, two of us proved that the call of God into ministry was upon us, hence the leadership of this group (ACT) did not hesitate in giving us the responsibility of leading this group as lay-pastors.
I was leading the group that was planting the churches to the north and my friend was leading the group that was planting the churches to the south. From there I went to theological college in 2000. I went to Trans-Africa Theological College here in the Copperbelt of Zambia. I graduated on July 23, 2005. My first official call to pastor was at Chilanga Baptist Church on January 1, 2006 and lasted until November 30, 2009. And the four years I spent at Trans-Africa I also worked with Twatasha Baptist Church in Kitwe. Despite facing a lot of challenges in the ministry, I have never regretted serving my Lord who called me. I am trusting Him each day that comes by to see me through and carry me to the end.