Samuel Kasonde is being sent by Bethel Baptist Church in Kabwe, Zambia to establish a church in Makululu Township. Makululu is currently the largest “shanty compound” in Zambia (an informal settlement with no planned infrastructure and temporary structures). The compound’s population is about 60,000 people with limited access to education and jobs. They also have limited access to the Gospel with no sound evangelical churches. The prosperity cult thrives in areas like Makululu. Samuel holds a theological degree from the Baptist Bible College of Zambia and completed an internship at Kabwata Baptist Church.
Testimony of Conversion
I was raised as a Roman Catholic. I believed in my good works as the means of being acceptable to God and my way of salvation. The more I tried to be good, the more I found myself failing and doing totally the opposite, sinning. Until there came a day in December 1995, when I was invited to Fellowship Baptist Church in Roan Township in Luanshya. I never wanted to go but I went anyway. That first Sunday, the preacher had to preach the message that convicted my heart about my sins. An altar call was given but I never went in front.
Several months passed while I was wondering and thinking about the conviction of my sins, and God’s love for sinners like me. Months later, in March, God convicted me so much about my condition and I spoke to one of the preachers, asking what I must do about it. He showed me the Scriptures about salvation. From that day onward, I repented of my sins and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Therefore, I was given some teachings about baptism. Two months later I submitted myself to follow Christ through baptism by immersion in June 1996.
Call to Ministry
It was in 1999, while reading in Matt. 9:36-38, where it says Christ was ‘moved with compassion’ about the lost people and said, ‘the harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few.’ This scripture really held me captive for many days, weeks, and months. I tried to ignore it but it kept on ringing in my heart, burdening me, increasing my desire. I therefore, began to sense that the LORD wanted to do something with my life.
In the year 2000, being my final year in secondary school, I had two choices to make. The first choice was to pursue the teaching profession. The second choice was the study of Theology for the ministry of God. I wrestled so much in settling for one until finally the Lord’s call prevailed. In 2001, I applied at Baptist Bible College of Zambia, where I was later accepted. I received training for 4 years and graduated in the year 2005.