Testimony of

Ruxi Vandici

Evangelist in Romania

Ruxi is part of a team that evangelizes and disciples students from various universities in Bucharest. Her ministry involves leading evangelistic camps and conducting weekly Bible studies with Christians and seekers in Bucharest. Ruxi is one of the team translators for HeartCry in Romania. She assists with translation in conferences and proof reads books that are translated and published by HeartCry in the Romanian language.

Testimony of Conversion

My name is Ruxandra Vandici. I would like to share with you about my life. How I grew up, how I was saved, and how God called me to minister among the college students of Bucharest, Romania.

I was born in a Christian home. From the time that I was very little, my parents took my sisters and me to church. I grew up reading the Bible and praying, and my parents taught me about God and the Gospel. Since I was very little, I believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that He was the Savior of the world. Nevertheless, I had a difficult time believing that He would forgive me of my sins, and I was very terrified of hell. During my childhood and teenage years I always felt that the church community was my family, and since I was very little, God placed a love for His Word in my heart. I still remember many evangelistic crusades and Bible conferences that I attended with a deep hunger for the Word of God. I do not know the exact moment when I was saved, but as the years passed by, the Lord brought my faith from my head down to my heart, and He brought me closer and closer to Him.

The Lord also gave me a desire to tell others about the Gospel. In high school and in college I was always talking to my colleagues about God and the Bible. A very special moment happened when one of my friends named Adina, who was very religious but was not interested in the true gospel, professed faith in Jesus. That was the first time when I experienced the extraordinary joy of seeing people coming to Christ! It was so encouraging for me that God would use my words to work in someone’s heart! Afterwards, I remember that Adina and I would stay for hours and hours in a coffee shop just talking about God and the Bible. She was so hungry for the Word of God that she would read the Bible for hours and could not stop and study for exams! It was such a tremendous joy for me to see the Lord’s power and grace to bring people to Himself!

During my college years, I became involved in a Christian student ministry (OSCEB – Bucharest Evangelical Christian Student Organization); and I experienced how good it is to study the Bible, pray, and have fellowship with a group of friends. The strong emphasis in the student group was evangelism and discipleship. During that time I understood the Great Commission and how important it is not only to tell the gospel but also to help the young believer grow in faith.

God used many people in my life to grow me spiritually. I am especially grateful to Him for the pastors who came with HeartCry to teach in Bible conferences. I saw in them such a passion for the glory of God, such a great desire to live entirely for Him and to serve others. I realized that these people knew God deeply, and the Lord used their example to stir my heart to seek Him, to desire to see Christ’s glory more clearly and to live only for Him!

Before graduating, I was asked to join the staff of OSCEB, and after praying and talking to other people it seemed that this was the Lord’s will. I joined the student ministry almost seven years ago and I am very grateful for these years. The Lord used them to reveal Himself more to me and to show me His great grace and power in saving people and growing them spiritually. When I think about God’s miracles of salvation, I especially think of two medical students, Alexandra and Bogdan. When I first met them, they were not interested in spiritual things. Slowly Alexandra became interested, but Bogdan was reluctant and would not even come to a church service. I started studying the Bible with Alexandra, and not long after that Bogdan joined us. We would stay for hours and hours and talk from the Bible. After several months the Lord saved both of them! I was so overwhelmed with joy seeing their love for Christ, their deep desire to follow Him, and their witness to their families. This is what Bogdan wrote to a friend soon after they were saved:

“We’ve surrendered! We’ve asked and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It began with a prayer, but this wasn’t a usual prayer. It was filled with tears and feelings of guilt. It was a calling for help. For the first time, I truly saw myself as a sinner. I also realized that my sins were the cause for which Jesus died. I felt unworthy of His great Love. Therefore, I’ve asked Jesus to take over my life and to make me the man that He wants me to be.

I cannot say that something happened on the spot. In fact, nothing perceptible happened then. But step-by-step a wonderful work is being done in me. I have answers to questions that I thought were very hard (maybe impossible) to answer. The Word of God has a totally new meaning. It is like reading a different book! I feel the need to worship God and to communicate with Him! I used to feel very uncomfortable in the church. Now, I really feel the need to be there to praise the Lord, to worship, and to sing songs for Him who saved me. Another amazing thing is that both Alexandra and I experience this new life together. It was not by our will for things to happen this way, but by God’s.

Why all of these happened now and not earlier, I cannot say. I can only say that He comes to those who truly seek him. Like Jesus said, “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” So when I came powerless, and humble, and fully aware of my true nature before Him, He answered and opened the door! I guess it took a while for those seeds planted in us to start growing. But I couldn’t say, “I do,” until I was sure it was coming from the depth of my soul.

“Praise the Lord for the wonderful witnesses that He sent! You are indeed His witnesses and God has blessed us so much through you! We also thank you for all your prayers. Now they have been answered! But we are infants, so please, keep praying for us!”

“To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen”.

Ephesians 3:21