Testimony of

Rodney P.

Church Planter in Nepal

Rodney P. began working in the ministry in 2003. In 2005 he became an elder and soon after began working to plant a church. He remains the pastor of this church today.

Testimony of Conversion

I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. In 2000, I got married and few months later my wife was possessed by demon spirits. Then she was mentally, physically and spiritually disturbed. Because of that, my life was miserable. I tried to help her by taking her to hospitals for treatment and also going to the witch doctors, but I couldn’t see any changes in her except that her condition became worse.

At that time I was in a sad mood and I had no hope, but praise the Lord my second elder brother was a believer. Through him one of the pastors came in my house and they took her for medical treatment to India. On the way the pastor told me about the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him we have salvation and healing. These words touched in my heart and later on when I retuned from my wife’s treatment I began to attend the church.

Then my wife started coming as well and by the power of prayer, she started to heal. Later on, in March of 2001, we believed in the Lord Jesus and committed our lives to Him. I had the habit of drinking, smoking and chewing tobacco. I prayed that God would help me come out from these things and God enabled me to overcome. In 2003 we were baptized.

Description of Ministry

Later on God called me to His ministry and I was trained for three months. Then I had a privilege to work among youth for two years. In 2005 I started working as an elder. Then God gave me a burden for church planting and I started a new church where I am working now. New souls are now coming to the Lord in the place where I was born. I have a lovely wife and four children along with me where I am serving the Lord. We are so glad to be in His ministry. Thanks be to the Lord for His grace and mercy.