Testimony of


Evangelist in Bhutan

Rebekah has a great burden to reach Bhutan’s people with the Gospel. In Bhutan, persecution of Christians is the 7th worst of any country in the world. Although she must take many precautions, her work is slowly progressing and she has been able to share the Gospel with many Bhutanese Buddhists. Rebekah has recently been married to HeartCry missionary Raphu.

Testimony of Conversion

It was in 1992 when Jesus Himself spoke to me and gave me the gift of eternal life. I was widely exposed to the preaching of the Gospel through my Church pastor and many other famous Bible teachers. But I did not see any change in my life and all my best efforts to become a Christian proved to be entirely futile. One day I happened to open the Holy Bible, and the very book and the very chapter that struck my mind was John 3:1-21. I carefully followed the track of the private conversation of Jesus with Nicodemus. I put myself in the place of Nicodemus and asked the same question to Jesus the Lord. In fact, I was wondering myself of how a naturally grown up person could be born again. The question kept on puzzling me, and yet deep down in my heart I knew that Jesus would surely have a different spiritual meaning. The curiosity and the search for real meaning of a second birth went on as I repeatedly read the same chapter over and over again. The difference between these conflicting births was too deep for me to comprehend.

But one thing I knew for sure was that a supernatural thing really had occurred in my life, and I knew it was a miracle that my life was changed by divine power. I did not know how it did happen or from where it came. But one thing I am sure was that somebody touched me and opened my eyes to see the world in a new light. It is a miracle, and I am a miracle. The only thing I can say is, “Once I was lost, but now I see.”

Following my new life experience and water baptism by immersion, a strong desire grew in me to study the Word of God in a reputable Bible school. The Lord answered my prayer and took me to South India for theological studies. I faced immense trials and temptations during my seminary life. But the Lord was good and kind to me, and He helped to complete my studies successfully. The Lord also put the burden in my heart for pioneer mission work. It is the Lord who found me, ordained me, and called me to His heavenly service. I am working with HeartCry Missionary Society among the Buddhists in the kingdom of Bhutan as my field.