I have known about Jesus for many years back since I worked as a soldier in the camp in Thailand. As a soldier, I had pressure not to read the Bible or share my faith. I knew in my heart that Jesus is the true God. I knew that God had saved me. When I went back to Cambodia, I continued believing in Jesus, but because I was alone, I didn’t know how to get to know other Christians. Also, no one here liked to hear about Jesus either. 

Many years later, when I was working on a fishing boat as a migrant laborer in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. God has worked so many miracles during those times of my life. I knew in my heart that God is good, and Jesus is the true God. I stopped working and came home with the mission that I wanted to accomplish. Having the story of the Good news in hand, I taught some of the kids in my village to read because I wanted them to have a life better than working on the ocean. My work was good, but because I taught kids about Jesus, the village chief would not allow this to happen anymore. I was warned not to say something related to Jesus. I experienced a lot of persecution from my family and even my wife. We did not have a good relationship then. 

I also had so many flaws; I’m talking about leading and taking responsibility for my family. I used to speak bad words to my kids and my wife. For my family, we often got sick. We did not have money, and we did not understand each other. My life was terrible. 

Thankfully, God has restored my life through Pastor David, who shared the Gospel in the village. With his encouragement in the truth, I can understand the Gospel. I know that I am a sinner, and I need a Savior, and this can be done only through coming to faith in the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. God has helped me to be more patient and to love my family like never before. It can only be done through the help of the Holy Spirit. My wife, children, and my family have come to faith through the hearing of the Word. 

Testimony of Call to Ministry

God first called me to ministry when I worked as a laborer of a fishing boat across the border. It was a difficult life, especially the children that couldn’t receive the money they were owed, and it made my heart cry. I knew clearly in my heart that something needed to be done. I tried to teach the Word and to share my faith, but the circumstances just did not work out during the whole time until I met with a local pastor, Pastor David. I was warned by the local authorities not to share my faith with other people. I know that the Lord is the one who builds His church. It is a privilege to be his servant and share my faith with others. And it is a blessing to see believers bring others to church as well. And this is how the church has continued growing. Now, our church has many families in church when we gather. 

Mission Updates by Pooy K.

Mission Update Cambodia

Updates & Prayer Requests From Cambodia

Mission Update Cambodia

The True God in Khmer

Mission Update Cambodia

New Church Building in Cambodia

All Updates by Pooy K.