Testimony of

Nestor Barquisimeto

Pastor in Venezuela

Testimony of Conversion

I was born in a catholic home, morally good, I grew up with my parents and my older sister and younger brother, during my childhood I was taught in the catholic religion by my parents and my paternal grandmother, who were very devoted to the patron virgin of the state where I live, I had the privilege of receiving a good education, I was always a very good student, unlike my siblings. At the age of 13 I began to ride a skateboard, which brought me closer to the things of the street, at 14 I started drinking and going to parties and singing rap, which brought me much closer to the street, when I graduated from high school I went to Caracas to study at the School of Communications and Electronics of the Armed Forces, where I was expelled for academic performance, upon returning to my city my sin became more serious, alcohol, drugs, crime began to be part of my life. By that time I already knew who is now my wife, who despite being in the Christian Church since childhood, at that time was away from the Church, she always talked to me about God and Christianity, but I only said I was a Catholic, today I can know that by the mercy of the Lord that kind of life did not bring me serious consequences. By that time there was also a boy who always preached to us, and my girlfriend was already back in the Church and the invitations to attend did not cease, this boy gave me a new testament with a note written by him, where he invited me to read it and to turn to Christ as my savior, it was around that time where one night I dreamed that I was dying slowly, and that I was losing my strength little by little, at that moment I remembered the new testament, I took it to read it but because I was so weak and about to die. I fixed my eyes on the text, and at that moment I thought it was too late for me and I died, at that moment I woke up knowing that the life I was leading had to change, that I had to abandon my sin and go to that book. From there I began to attend the Good News Church where I knew the Gospel and my Savior, there began my discipleship until November 5, 2005 I was baptized as a public testimony of my salvation, and although the road until today has been full of difficulties, I know that all this has been for the benefit of my soul and for the glory of Christ.

Call to Ministry

After my conversion and discipleship in the church to which I belonged, I always had the desire to know more about the Bible, however there the preaching was not very deep, and I did not know any Bible institute where I could learn, since I was very young I was linked to music, specifically rap, But I knew that now to be able to do “Christian rap” I had to be theologically prepared, so I personally began to study the Bible and read some literature, the intention was now to preach the gospel through music, and although I did not know the sound doctrine, it was always my idea to be biblical in the lyrics of the songs. That led me to preach and sing in many places in the city, dangerous neighborhoods, prisons and wherever the opportunity arose, parallel to this as part of the evangelistic work of the church, we had a group in the west of the city where every Tuesday night we met, this group was gradually growing and with it the idea of establishing a church in that place. To this was added the fact that we were already knowing the Biblical gospel and having an approach to the doctrines of grace, which made it difficult to be in a church service where everything was shouting, music, people on the floor and almost nothing of the Bible. The person in charge of the West group at that time spoke with the Pastor to then start a church in the west, which happened on April 15, 2012, with the presence of Pastor Jaime Vargas ordaining that day Pastor Joscar Chirinos, and beforehand we knew that as far as possible in the pastoral ministry should have a plurality of elders, so a brother and myself were called to be part of an evaluation process where only I was approved and ordained.

However, in this process of reform and teaching within the Church, it led us to put things in order, to conform the membership, and to carry out a new evaluation by the Church of the pastors so that there would be a precedent of how the Bible teaches it should be done.

On September 20, 2015, in an assembly held at Iglesia Bíblica Mi Esperanza, I was ratified to the Pastoral Ministry through a vote of the members.