Conversion Testimony

I was born on November 9, 1985, at a small village near the Indian border. At that time, my father was a deacon in our small village church. I attended church faithfully, but I did not have the assurance of Salvation. When I was 14 years old, I participated in a church camp and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I came to know Jesus Christ paid my sin penalty, and the only thing that I had to do is to depend on that news. I did it, and what a joy it was. I had the assurance of Salvation on that day.

Call to the Ministry

I was born again in April 1999, and in May my father left our village and
went to the Delta area as a frontline missionary. As I was brought up in a missionary family in a mission field, I saw my father’s lifestyle and daily schedule, which influenced me. I made the decision to follow my father’s footsteps. As we were among non-Christians, I could think their eternity, and I used to pray with tears for their souls. My father sent me to Biblical School of Theology to be in a ministry where I studied the Bible, Theology, and Mission for four years. After I graduated in 2008, I helped my father’s
ministry, and in 2018, my wife and I reached a new mission field. After serving the Lord on the mission field for many years, I have experienced many difficulties. But through them all God’s grace has upheld, supported, and strengthened me.