I was raised by both parents – my dad was not a Christian but mom is a born-again Christian. Going to church was not optional but a must. Due to that environment of being raised in a Christian basis, I deemed myself a good child of God, and as a result, salvation was not appealing to me. I thought my good works – things like not drinking, not smoking, not partying etc. – qualified me to be a Christian. With time I found myself in a stable relationship which I never thought was a bad thing because my friends were also doing it. Being a teenager challenged my character in so many ways. 

A friend invited me to evangelical church and I was a regular visitor for some time. Since music was my talent, I was attracted more by the style of worship songs they used to sing. It was around that time, while I was visiting, when the sermon that was preached confronted my sinful nature. It was the first time that I understood that salvation does not come by the good works that I was doing. I accepted Christ on that very day and I lived a different life ever after.

After my conversion I had a great desire to know God and to live for Him only. I had a great desire to understand His word, which made me to commit myself to that church as a member so that I could be able attend their Bible study and more. I joined the worship team, which I ended up leading as my pastor saw my talent. 

In 2006 I was married to a pastor from a different church and that was a different ball game for me as I was not familiar with the tradition of that church. Unfortunately our marriage lasted only for 12 months as he passed away the following year due to a car accident. I was frustrated, angry, disappointed, feeling betrayed by God, asking Him why he led me that way only to torment my heart. I was very cross with God, telling myself that I had served Him well, forgetting that does not make me immune from such suffering. I attended Christian counselling until I was healed but promised myself that I will never get married again. Ha!  Through that process God taught me to be patient, and the fruition of that process came two years later when God blessed me with my current husband.

Although we had a healthy marriage that brought us joy, we experienced 2 miscarriages while trying for children. We then prayed and became convinced that God was leading us to the adoption route. We adopted a son in 2016 who is now 3yrs old. He brought so much joy and fulfilment, and we believe that was God’s plan for us. We are in the process of adopting a 2ndchild. Through it all I have learned to trust in God’s sovereignty and to be content with life.