Testimony of

Dana L.

Evangelist in Romania

Dana serves in Bucharest where she is involved in the evangelizing, disciplining and training of university students. Her great desire is to see students come to Christ and grow in their knowledge of Him.

Testimony of Conversion

I was born into a Catholic home during the time of communism. Catholicism is a small minority in Romania, Orthodoxy being the main religion. My parents were very religious and we regularly attended the services of a Catholic church nearby. As a child I was curious about spiritual matters, praying to God, asking questions and listening to the teaching of the priests. During that time I learnt that salvation comes by being good and doing good deeds, and the doctrine that we are saved “by faith plus works”, took deep roots in my heart.

There were difficult times for the Evangelicals living before the Revolution in 1989, because the communists persecuted them in many ways. Just before my first Holy Communion celebration, my parents befriended an Evangelical family that lived in our neighborhood. After a while, this family started to read the Bible with my parents and shared the Gospel with them. As a result my parents professed Christ as their Lord and Savior and started to go to a Baptist Church. During those years my favorite book became the Bible for Children which I enjoyed reading over and over again. Going to Sunday school and church services I gradually grew in my understanding of the Gospel, but I needed a few breakthroughs to get rid of the deep roots of the mentality that “salvation is by faith plus works”. I still remember the wonder and the freedom I experienced when God gave me a better grasp of the truth that salvation is only by faith, only through Christ, not by my own merits or my good deeds. My eyes opened to the Gospel, my heart responded with repentance and faith, and soon after I decided to get baptized by the age of sixteen.

During my college years I was involved in the student ministry and I grew very much in my relationship with God. After graduation I worked sixteen months for a corporation and was marginally involved with the student ministry. However God had other plans for me and He called me into ministry.

Since God called me to the student ministry I had the joy and privilege of reaching out to many generations of college students, discipling the new believers, as well as equipping the Christian students with an in depth understanding of the Gospel and the essentials doctrines of the Christian faith. My greatest joy is seeing students mature in their relationship with God and bringing forth much fruit after years of walking with the Lord.