Testimony of

Chan C.

Testimony of Conversion

Before I was saved by Christ, I was an alcoholic, a liar, a thief, lazy to work, and took much joy in joking around with my family until they kicked me out. When this happened, I became a man without goals. My life had become meaningless in its entirety. Only through the grace of God did I ever find my way to Christ. The Lord used a local pastor who shared the Gospel with me, and I became a Christian.

After this, I went to church on a regular basis: attending the services that went on every Sunday. The pastor at this church gave me a copy of the bible, and upon reading it, I realized that God was a being of wonders and miracles. And so I prayed…

“If you are God, please make me stop drinking, stop lying, stop stealing, stop going to places that would waste my time.”

I would come to learn that God forgives sins, so I believed in Him because I wanted His forgiveness of my evil.

Time passed, and God changed me. All of the bad habits I’d accumulated and committed in the past became no more. I felt that I was a new man, and so I made the decision to come back and work for my parents. The results of this change made my family very happy, and they even decided to accept Christ as their Savior as well! I thank God for saving my whole family!

Call to Ministry

When I had been a Christian for five years, I felt that God had begun to call for me to lead and teach a church in Tbong Khmum Province, an area in the south-eastern part of Cambodia. 

When I first heard the calling, I wasn’t quite sure that God had actually called me to go into that ministry. I was hesitant, so I leaned on the Lord for assurance of the calling and prayed to Him. The voice of the Holy Spirit kept crying out to me in conviction and continued to do so for five months until I finally decided to teach the people at that church. I have continued there even to this day.

Right now, I act as a church planter. At present I lead two house churches, and I want to lead four more in the future.

Please pray for me, and may God bless you.

Thank You.