Testimony of

Biak Z.

Testimony of Conversion

I was born into a Christian family, and my father was a Revival Baptist Church pastor. I went to church as a faithful son, but I had no real assurance of salvation.

I didn’t know the way to Heaven.

By God’s grace, in 1999, an evangelist conducted a children’s camp in my village. I listened to the messages, and the Lord opened my eyes. I came to know the way of salvation was through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for my sin.

He died for me.

I depend on the finished work of Jesus Christ for my salvation, and I have a deep assurance of salvation.

Call to Ministry

After I got saved, I wanted to attend a Bible college. I joined the Biblical School of Theology in 2001, and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology in 2005. Right after my graduation, Tim M. asked me to join a church building mission group. I worked as a builder for five years in different places.

Afterward, I wanted to go out as a church planter, and I eventually wound up at Chaungtha Beach. God used my preaching and teaching ministry, and a house church was born by God’s grace. 

It is called Faith Baptist Church, and we have about 30-40 in attendance along with their children.