Testimony of Conversion

I grew up in a pagan family. When I was young, someone close to me became a Christian, and from then on, I went with this person to church, and liked the worship songs and church fellowship, even if I didn’t understand the sermons. I called myself a Christian then, but I wasn’t saved.

Many years later, I attended a youth camp, and was saved there through the teaching of the Gospel. I memorized Bible verses, and while reciting two of them, the Holy Spirit convicted my heart. I was a sinner, and I deserved eternal death as punishment. On the other hand, God assured me that He loved me, and that He’d sent His only son, Jesus, to live a perfect life; Christ would die and rise on the third day for me.

I agonized over my sin. It seemed impossible to think that God could forgive me. His Word, however, assured me that the free gift of eternal life was for all who believed in Jesus.

On the same night, I went to my room, and began to pray: begging God to forgive my sin. I pleaded with Him.

Our God is merciful and love, and on that day, by the Lord’s grace, I was assured that my sins had been forgiven.

Call to Ministry

I had the privilege of living near my church where I was able to involve myself in discipling the young people. During that time of service, God was putting a desire on me to serve Him more.

One day, my pastor came up to me and said, “What do you want to do in your life?” I told him that God was working in my heart, and that I wanted to go into ministry. He encouraged me, saying that most people in the world want to work their jobs for money, but that very few come for God’s work. “If God is changing your heart,” he said, “then pray to the Lord about you going in for formal study.”

By God’s grace, I was able to do just that. In this time, God used various teachers to increase my depth of understanding the Bible. I was able to broaden my perspective, and began to think critically and biblically.

I started visiting the houses of the brothers and sisters in the church, and was able to disciple and study the Bible with them.

Practical opportunities like these helped me to put what I had learned in my formal training into practice. Recently, God has put a burden in my heart to plant a church where I can serve Him by teaching, preaching, and reading the Scriptures to people.

I want to see lost people come to our Lord Jesus Christ. At the same time, I want to invest in the lives of young men as they prepare to serve the Lord. I desire to see them become involved in the Gospel ministry so that through them, the Kingdom of God can be advanced. Our country needs churches where the right doctrine flows to the congregation.

Through all of this, may God alone be glorified.