“Taking precaution that no one should discredit us in our administration of this generous gift; for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.”
II Corinthians 8:20-21
A Word to the Inquirer
“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.”
John 4:35
As a Christian, you have been called to participate fully and sacrificially in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in either going to the unreached or supporting those who go. However, it may not be God’s will for you to do so through this ministry. Please seek the Lord in prayer and in the study of the Scriptures before sending financial support. Please do not send financial support to this ministry if you are not being faithful in giving to your local church.
Giving Through Prayer
Prayer is the greater work in the Kingdom of God. We are not large, nor strong, nor wise. We exist by the gracious hand of our Master. We depend upon your prayers more than any other benefit you may give. Our greatest desire is that you might continue to lift us up to the Father in the Name of the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Adopt a Missionary for Prayer: We are seeking to pair all current HeartCry missionaries with individuals, groups, or churches that are a part of the HeartCry family for the purposes of greater prayer and encouragement. For more information about the missionaries that HeartCry supports, go to The Field on this website. To assist in supporting missionaries financially, please see the “Missionary Support” information below.
Giving Through Undesignated Financial Support
All undesignated giving is directed to our general fund and is used to the glory of God for the advancement of His Kingdom. The General Fund is the backbone of the HeartCry Missionary Society and is our top prayer priority. Apart from these needs being met, HeartCry cannot function. All donations that are given to the General Fund go to the following:
- Missionary Support. The HeartCry Missionary Society supports missionary families on five continents—Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America, and North America. This is our primary ministry, and the highest percentage of all giving goes to this ministry. The great majority of our missionaries are church planters with families. We have made a commitment to provide for their support, and they depend upon us monthly.
- Administration. It is our desire to glorify God by keeping all administrative costs to a bare minimum. Less than half of the staff of our U.S. office works in administration. The greater portion of our home office staff is comprised of our “mission coordinators,” who oversee the mission works and teach in their designated areas of responsibility.
Giving Through Designated Support to a Specific Ministry
We recognize that HeartCry donors may have a special burden for certain aspects of our missionary work that extend beyond the support of missionaries. The three main ministries to which designated support can be given are Church Construction, Bibles and Literature, and Evangelistic Tools. These ministries are further explained below. If a donor is burdened for some need not included in these three categories, please contact us to discuss the matter.
- Church Construction: Many churches on the foreign field are limited in their ministry by not having an adequate meeting place. The cost of renting often prevents them from obtaining the necessary capital to purchase their own land and begin construction. HeartCry seeks to assist such churches by providing the funds necessary for the purchase of property and the building of a permanent structure sufficient for meetings.
- Bibles and Sound Christian Literature: Many believers in the foreign field do not have a Bible, and many missionaries and pastors have never had the privilege of studying in a Bible institute or seminary. They are even further limited by their own poverty from having an adequate library to use as a resource in studying the Scriptures. For this reason, HeartCry seeks to provide Bibles to believers and pastoral libraries to missionaries and pastors in the foreign field.
- Evangelistic Tools: The mission works of indigenous missionaries are often limited by the lack of proper tools. HeartCry seeks to provide these necessary tools so that the missionaries might fulfill the work to which the Lord has called them. HeartCry has provided for such needs as boats and motors on the Amazon River; horses, mules, and donkeys in the Andes Mountains; automobiles, bicycles, sound systems for street preaching, computers, etc.