Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz

Completed: Nov, 2019

HeartCry purchased a four-wheel-drive truck to provide Juan Pablo with a safer and more reliable means of carrying out his ministry.

More Projects in Peru
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Truck for Ministry in Huaraz, Peru

Completed: Nov, 2019

HeartCry purchased a four-wheel-drive truck to provide Juan Pablo with a safer and more reliable means of carrying out his ministry.

Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz

Completed: Nov, 2019

HeartCry purchased a four-wheel-drive truck to provide Juan Pablo with a safer and more reliable means of carrying out his ministry.

More Projects in Peru
Workbook Collaboration
Bible Distribution In Rio Santiago
Wilmer With Three Wheeler

Juan Pablo Osorio is the pastor of a congregation in the town of Taricá, about 30 minutes from the city of Huaraz. On a daily basis, he travels up and down dusty mountain roads to visit church members and evangelize communities. The roads are often dangerous and an adequate vehicle is a necessity. HeartCry purchased a four-wheel-drive truck to provide Juan Pablo with a safer and more reliable means of carrying out his ministry.